Originally part of a six sheet, each sheet is now available individually!
A very deep dive into the subject of ufology and otherworldly visitors, this flash sheet is a full color, high quality print with designs based on everything from extraterrestrial lore to witness testimonies and experiencer depictions.
I've had a deep fascination with ufology for over ten years now and it's a subject that still occupies my thoughts every day. The time has come to accept that this phenomenon is really happening and ordinary people actually do experience these things more often than most would like to admit. 'Who' they are, where they come from, and what they are doing here are all questions that are up for debate. One thing is certain though...they are here.
I hope my love of the subject will resonate through this art.
Pay less per sheet when ordering the full six sheet set here
Sheet #1 Alien / Ufo Traditional Tattoo Flash Print (11x14)
Valentines Day Salle
-Sheet measures 11 inches by 14 inches (standard frame size)
-OUTSTANDING print quality. Printed on the highest quality heavyweight cotton paper for presentation and longevity.Artist: Joel Janiszyn
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